Refund Policy

Effective Date: 2/1/2024

Thank you for choosing Jenks’ Discounts and Bargains Depot as your trusted provider of Discounted products.

We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. Please read our refund and return

policy carefully to understand the terms and conditions for refunds, returns, and exchanges.

This policy is designed to provide clarity and ensure a positive shopping experience for you.

  1. Return/Exchange/Refund Timeline

We offer a transparent and customer-friendly return/exchange/refund timeline. Returns or

exchanges are accepted within 5 business days from the date of purchase. We

believe this timeframe strikes a balance between allowing you sufficient time to evaluate your

purchase while also ensuring a fair policy for our business.

  1. Acceptable Item Conditions

To be eligible for a return or exchange, the item must be in its original condition, including all

tags and packaging (if applicable). Please note that certain items may have specific conditions

for return due to their nature, and these conditions will be clearly communicated on the product


  1. Refund and Shipping Charges

We understand the importance of transparent and fair refund and shipping charges. Our policy

aims to be reasonable. We offer flat-rate shipping on returns, which means you won’t

have to worry about additional shipping costs when returning items.

Replacement/Exchange: We’ll replace the item with a different size, color, or a better quality

item as per your preference, subject to availability.

Money Refund: We’ll return the cost of the item to the original payment method used for the


Full Refund: If you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we’ll issue a full refund.

Partial Refund: In some cases, a partial refund may be provided if only part of the order is


Line-Item Refund: For items that are part of a larger order, we may issue a refund for the

specific item returned.

Store Credit: You can choose to receive store credit, which can be used on any future

purchases with us.

For refunds, we offer the following options:

Products with Expiration Dates: Items with a limited shelf life or an expiration date. Refunds only available within the standard return policy, and item must not be expired.

Hygiene-Sensitive Products: Items that come into direct contact with the body, such as

used underwear, earrings, or makeup. No refunds.

Custom/Personalized Products: Items that have been specifically customized or

personalized for the customer. No refunds.

Products Sold as Part of Sets/Bundles: Items sold as part of a set or bundle, where

individual items may not be eligible for exchange. Refund for the entire bundle only, within 7 business days.

  1. Items Eligible for Refund/Return/Exchange

While we strive to accommodate such requests, please note that not all items on our website

are eligible for exchange, refund, or return. The following categories of products are generally

not eligible for the same: Personal items, perishable items, personalized products.

  1. Avoiding Chargebacks

Our comprehensive refund and return policy is designed to create a transparent and equitable

relationship with our customers. By providing clear guidelines for refunds, we aim to empower

you with a clear understanding of your rights.

If you have any questions about our refund and return policy, please don’t hesitate to contact

our customer support team at / 706-750-9473. Your satisfaction is

our priority, and we’re here to assist you.

Thank you for choosing Jenks’ Discounts and Bargains Depot!

1507 N Leg Rd, Augusta, GA 30909
